Extracted comments for podcast 5-16
I went through the comments for podcast 5-16 and I am hoping I got most of the relevant ones. I figure maybe there will be something to go back and follow through on. I have move these into the comments section to spare some room here. Please view the comments area for these.
Ithilethiel said...
i think this site is real. DJ Dan is Javi -- one of the Lost writers...
Eduardo Nasi said...
Have you noticed DJ Dan has been on Desert Storm -- which is the same operation Sayid was captured? ;)
Ange said...
Another funny thing I noticed about DJ Dan is that on the bios page, it lists one of his possible birthplaces as Terre Haute, Indiana. Peter Thompson, from The Hanso Foundation was born there in 1959...DJ Dan sometime in the 60's.
Michael said...
DJ Dan is Javier Grillo-Marxuach. The resemblance is undeniable. I wonder who the female co-host is. Anyway Javi would be perfect for producing the Lost Experience as he was responsible in large part for the mythology/greater story arc of LOST. I say he left the TV show to mastermind the experience. He keeps popping up in relation to all of this...any thoughts.
Lost_Dharma_108 said...
did any1 notice that the voice sounds like hurley and he mentions a name called dennis (hurley's friend)
DK said...
If you look at the source code on the djdan site the pictures on the left menu are ordered. But they are out of order, and one of em is a different file type. I put them in order by name on my website, and then I put the original order. There has to be something with that because none of those buttons are valid in any searched. See what I came up with: http://www.dp3dcss.com/lost.php Def seems to be a message. And yes djdan.am and THF.org are on the same physical computer. However they dont want you to know that, because on some pleaces they have tried switching the ips, etc etc. www.domaintools.com has some useful tools for looking up domains. Let me know what you think of the images.
DK said...
With the buttons in order seems to say something like this: Member of Consipre Act Now Think Member Stop them Genwatch there.
ACT NOW ***(02.PNG)
THERE ***(06.PNG)
Pat said...
i know this is insignificant, and i only noticed this because i'm a Trojan... but "Tonya Jefferson" (of which "Trojans" is an anagram..) got her Ph.D in "Communications" from USC...well the degree she *should* have gotten (if she really did have a doctorate) is a Communication Ph.D from USC's Annenberg School of Communication---no "s" on the end of Comm. anyway I know its trivial, but its even further proof that the site isn't real (or ABC hasn't done its homework)...so who is "Dr. Tonya Jefferson," if she doesn't really have a Ph.D?
firesign3000 said...
if you look at the letters that are on the left of the dividing line in the buttons, you get the letters "co" "act" and "tnk". one possible combo for this is "contact k".
Winston_Wolfe said...
I just thought you should know that DJ Dan said he was from Terra Haute, Tulsa or Macon, AL...but there is no Macon Alambama.
The wolfe
superdad04 said...
According to yahoo maps there IS a Macon AL.
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