My first accessment
Now this post will grow tonight and most likely the next few days so check back often...
Here I go :
Dan's state of mind: bold...saracastic
statements (must be something to these in my opinion):
cuz they're lying and im not.
Tonya, my producer at large
These Hanso Foundation, and their ilk, prey on the weak and the sick
oddities (more odd stuff that I feel might hold clues):
hour two (of whatever amount of time)
1938-The first color photos of Mars had just come in and, shock of shocks, the thing looks like a “frackin” Christmas tree. Nothing but red rocks and green heads.A couple years later, when the pictures do leak. Welles uses alien film making technology to make “Citizen Kane”
Here I think it might not be much, due to the main clue was owelles. However, I would like to get some more info on those pics of Mars and the Citizen Kane reference.
Idaho itself is a hoax
I pulled this because strangely enough, there seems to be an Idaho theme going will see more on this in other blogs.
DJ Dan: Little known fact: Idaho itself is a hoax. What’cha wearin’ Jessica?
Jessica: My “Conspiraspy” T-shirt, DJ Dan.
(this is too obious that she knows what to say, maybe indicating an either rehersed thing or maybe someone there who is posing as a caller?)
Tonya: Dan, the Red Sox did win the Series…about a year and a half ago.DJ Dan: Really? I’m a geek Tonya, not a sports geek, but I can do you one better.
(funny how he knew that Ted played for Red Sox but claims he is a geek with no sports sence)
names (this is just for searching for themes or simularities):
frank-roswell NM
Jessica-boise idaho
Dan's state of mind: he ask tanya why he is in such a great mood
statements (must be something to these in my opinion):
You are OWNED. 30% of you is owned by the government, and the government is owned by THE MAN. You know what I'm talking about, I'm talking global corporations, like your Widmore corportion
(why is he pointing at widmore?)
while drinking coffee picked on their cocaine -- oh, ho, lordy, I mean, uh, Colombian coffee plantations.
(whats with the cocaine reference?)
I want my Candlestick Park back
(maybe this is something normal and just flew over my head but what does this mean?)
Which brings me to yesterday's question: Why are college students building electromagnetic superweapons? Electromagnetic superweapons, people.
(would LOVE to know more about WHEN he referenced that one)
For those of you who don't know, the Hanso Foundation is one of those non-profit organizations whose sole purpose seems to be researching everything you see in a bad sci-fi movie. Now, if you're like me, you're dying to know: what are these people up to? Of course, nobody knows, not even this Persephone chick who's hacking their website, and just the same, nobody knows where that guy went in that crowd.
(two for one here, we got him behaving like this is new about hanso, AND...he doesnt seem to say a heck of a lot about persephone either.)
Now, what we do know is that yesterday's show made a stink
(could this "stink" be the beginning of the threats?)
oddities (more odd stuff that I feel might hold clues):
DJ Dan: "Oho, you're gettin' paid this week, Tanya.
(this is another theme i see going on, though, not a big one)
It's been this way since way back when before Charleton Heston parted the Red Sea.
(need to know why he used Heston)
Interviewee: "Every week some guy picks up our simulation, so I followed one, and I lose him in the crowd outside the Widmore Corporation building."
(here is the Widmore name drop again)
Interviewee: "Pretty much, we were asked to simulate an electromagnetic pulse strong enough to knock a space-borne body out of its recurring orbit."
DJ Dan: "Uh, space-borne body. Like what, exactly?"
Interviewee: "Like, the moon."
(this is just plain CREEPY.)
names (this is just for searching for themes or simularities):
Unknown Interviewee
Dan's state of mind: seems more angry than usual, more paranoid too
statements (must be something to these in my opinion):
DJ Dan: Milton From Fresno, please tell me you're not still there
(so this is half of a longer podcast?)
DJ Dan: Ha ha, Tanya, okay Milty, before I kick you off, you were saying something
(obiously he was already anoid by this guy)
Then there is the ranting about how he is not a sellout...yet seems to be saying he IS a sellout at the same time!
do I live with a sense of security knowing my four wheel Jeep Compass will get me and my family to safety when the bombs fall and the highways buckle?
(is he saying he knows something is gonna happen?)
So I go to the old mailbag this morning and I find a letter from Jessica in Reno, NV and I quote: "I listened to your show on rapid weight loss, DJ Dan and I can't understand why you hate science so much."
(WHAT podcast was that??)
It's science that let's me broadcast from the road moving from secret location to secret location with only my laptop and the wind in my, um, scalp… my trusty mike, and of course Tanya, who Lord knows is a wonder of science, herself.
(just a stretch but is he admitting she is fake?)
NO! 'Cause I'm lost. I'm a corporate recall. I'm an intermediary step between Tanya and the Tanya-Disco-Trip-Hop remix. And why? 'Cause I stopped asking questions.
(what does this mean?)
oddities (more odd stuff that I feel might hold clues):
DJ Dan: Tanya You're fired
Tanya: I'll leave when you start paying me
(weird theme here, could be just an inside joke between them?)
How do YOU know you wanna stay away from the business end of a skunk, Milty?
(uh because it is PROVEN that skunks spray but the info about hanso COULD be bios)
They are the man. AND THE MAN DON'T HACK THE MAN!
(so we take HIS word on that huh?)
Tanya: Ah, shucks, DJ Dan.
This is DJ Dan, making way for his hotter, younger replacement, DJ Dave.
(who knows what will come of this)
names (this is just for searching for themes or simularities):
Milton From Fresno
Thornton from Seattle
Jessica in Reno, NV
COMMERCIAL....Jeep Compass Commercial
Here I go :
Dan's state of mind: bold...saracastic
statements (must be something to these in my opinion):
cuz they're lying and im not.
Tonya, my producer at large
These Hanso Foundation, and their ilk, prey on the weak and the sick
oddities (more odd stuff that I feel might hold clues):
hour two (of whatever amount of time)
1938-The first color photos of Mars had just come in and, shock of shocks, the thing looks like a “frackin” Christmas tree. Nothing but red rocks and green heads.A couple years later, when the pictures do leak. Welles uses alien film making technology to make “Citizen Kane”
Here I think it might not be much, due to the main clue was owelles. However, I would like to get some more info on those pics of Mars and the Citizen Kane reference.
Idaho itself is a hoax
I pulled this because strangely enough, there seems to be an Idaho theme going will see more on this in other blogs.
DJ Dan: Little known fact: Idaho itself is a hoax. What’cha wearin’ Jessica?
Jessica: My “Conspiraspy” T-shirt, DJ Dan.
(this is too obious that she knows what to say, maybe indicating an either rehersed thing or maybe someone there who is posing as a caller?)
Tonya: Dan, the Red Sox did win the Series…about a year and a half ago.DJ Dan: Really? I’m a geek Tonya, not a sports geek, but I can do you one better.
(funny how he knew that Ted played for Red Sox but claims he is a geek with no sports sence)
names (this is just for searching for themes or simularities):
frank-roswell NM
Jessica-boise idaho
Dan's state of mind: he ask tanya why he is in such a great mood
statements (must be something to these in my opinion):
You are OWNED. 30% of you is owned by the government, and the government is owned by THE MAN. You know what I'm talking about, I'm talking global corporations, like your Widmore corportion
(why is he pointing at widmore?)
while drinking coffee picked on their cocaine -- oh, ho, lordy, I mean, uh, Colombian coffee plantations.
(whats with the cocaine reference?)
I want my Candlestick Park back
(maybe this is something normal and just flew over my head but what does this mean?)
Which brings me to yesterday's question: Why are college students building electromagnetic superweapons? Electromagnetic superweapons, people.
(would LOVE to know more about WHEN he referenced that one)
For those of you who don't know, the Hanso Foundation is one of those non-profit organizations whose sole purpose seems to be researching everything you see in a bad sci-fi movie. Now, if you're like me, you're dying to know: what are these people up to? Of course, nobody knows, not even this Persephone chick who's hacking their website, and just the same, nobody knows where that guy went in that crowd.
(two for one here, we got him behaving like this is new about hanso, AND...he doesnt seem to say a heck of a lot about persephone either.)
Now, what we do know is that yesterday's show made a stink
(could this "stink" be the beginning of the threats?)
oddities (more odd stuff that I feel might hold clues):
DJ Dan: "Oho, you're gettin' paid this week, Tanya.
(this is another theme i see going on, though, not a big one)
It's been this way since way back when before Charleton Heston parted the Red Sea.
(need to know why he used Heston)
Interviewee: "Every week some guy picks up our simulation, so I followed one, and I lose him in the crowd outside the Widmore Corporation building."
(here is the Widmore name drop again)
Interviewee: "Pretty much, we were asked to simulate an electromagnetic pulse strong enough to knock a space-borne body out of its recurring orbit."
DJ Dan: "Uh, space-borne body. Like what, exactly?"
Interviewee: "Like, the moon."
(this is just plain CREEPY.)
names (this is just for searching for themes or simularities):
Unknown Interviewee
Dan's state of mind: seems more angry than usual, more paranoid too
statements (must be something to these in my opinion):
DJ Dan: Milton From Fresno, please tell me you're not still there
(so this is half of a longer podcast?)
DJ Dan: Ha ha, Tanya, okay Milty, before I kick you off, you were saying something
(obiously he was already anoid by this guy)
Then there is the ranting about how he is not a sellout...yet seems to be saying he IS a sellout at the same time!
do I live with a sense of security knowing my four wheel Jeep Compass will get me and my family to safety when the bombs fall and the highways buckle?
(is he saying he knows something is gonna happen?)
So I go to the old mailbag this morning and I find a letter from Jessica in Reno, NV and I quote: "I listened to your show on rapid weight loss, DJ Dan and I can't understand why you hate science so much."
(WHAT podcast was that??)
It's science that let's me broadcast from the road moving from secret location to secret location with only my laptop and the wind in my, um, scalp… my trusty mike, and of course Tanya, who Lord knows is a wonder of science, herself.
(just a stretch but is he admitting she is fake?)
NO! 'Cause I'm lost. I'm a corporate recall. I'm an intermediary step between Tanya and the Tanya-Disco-Trip-Hop remix. And why? 'Cause I stopped asking questions.
(what does this mean?)
oddities (more odd stuff that I feel might hold clues):
DJ Dan: Tanya You're fired
Tanya: I'll leave when you start paying me
(weird theme here, could be just an inside joke between them?)
How do YOU know you wanna stay away from the business end of a skunk, Milty?
(uh because it is PROVEN that skunks spray but the info about hanso COULD be bios)
They are the man. AND THE MAN DON'T HACK THE MAN!
(so we take HIS word on that huh?)
Tanya: Ah, shucks, DJ Dan.
This is DJ Dan, making way for his hotter, younger replacement, DJ Dave.
(who knows what will come of this)
names (this is just for searching for themes or simularities):
Milton From Fresno
Thornton from Seattle
Jessica in Reno, NV
COMMERCIAL....Jeep Compass Commercial
Awesome... Looks like the start of things coming together. More of this might actually lead to discovering a little more about DJ DAN
I like this blog...
I was thinking that maybe Persephone's images that were put up during the owelles podcast were put in an order for a reason... I posted them back in the Clue #47... the "blah blah blah" from the 6/8 podcast from DJ Dan and the tonya's not there things made me think that they might be an indication as to their real order, but when I checked it out it didn't make sense with any of the other images... just thought I'd post about it... dunno why
Cool belly thanks! I will take a stab at that brain is WAY TOO FRIED now LOL
the second podcast you discuss (do you mean 5/25 or whatever it was... too lazy to look right now), you touch on a few things I picked up on in your last blog post... they reference things as happening yesterday, which made me think that the interview with the student was actualyl aired the day before and he's just replaying parts of it in this podcast. I think the Collumbian cocain reference is about the theories of US government involvement (or CIA more specifically) in that, and as for Heston... there is the Ten Commandments movie but why mention that specifically... haven't thought abotu it enough. But I agree, good move to start trying to flesh this out a bit more, it definately feels like pieces of a much larger picture
PER Matt the pale... (his thoughts from the transcripts)
My thoughts on Important Keywords:
From the Bermuda Triangle
Candlestick Park ( San Francisco?)
State University (which one? Michigan & De Groot?)
Electromagnetic Superweapons (we saw one on the last episode)
The Moon (i agree with DJ Dan on this, but it has *very* interesting implications if true)
Here is a great conversation between me, M2Saint-TheTruthTempest, and Lavenda on 6/15/06 (copied from the comments on thelostexperience blog.)
lena said...
Ok Ok...but I am NOT 100% on this but do feel pretty confident...
DJDan podcast are nothing more than a "war of the worlds". There, said it. The whole DJDan thing is so to speak...staged.
6/15/2006 02:02:37 AM
M2Saint-TheTruthTempest said...
Well... yeah.
Isn't that what the LOST ARGH! is?
It is a giant, expansive War of the Worlds tale. To the uninformed, the Hugh McIntyre interview was an interview with some guy from a charitable organization with ties to a show that "some of their friends watch".
If there was a Hanso commercial that mentioned cloning, don't you think there would be at least a thousand anti-cloning people calling their fake phoneline or going to the Hanso site complaining that it is buggy and being oddly hacked while they are there?
Someone looks up "answers to everything equation" through google on a whim. ooo A site about some Valenzetti guy! How strange but interesting.
1/6 of all people whom buy the Gary Troup book Bad Twin don't watch LOST. Half didn't know that Gary Troup wasn't a real author, which really let them down to find out, since it was such a nice thriller. Where's our Bad Triplet sequel?
Everything in the LOST ARGH! is Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds". Everything.
We are people that know he is reading a transcript on a radio show.
To others, we are being invaded. Or they just never heard of the oh so charitable Hanso Foundation.
Thanks for tuning in.
-The Truth Tempest
*throws bone*
DJDan podcast was in the owelles folder. Orson Welles = DJDan Podcasts indeed.
6/15/2006 02:22:12 AM
Lavenda said...
ah, but within the game, if it was staged... is it a hoax or a conspiracy to look like hoax? And what does that make Persephone?
6/15/2006 02:30:47 AM
lena said...
YES LAVENDA!! You get what I meant!!!
lavenda: Not sure what my view is on persephone, not even totally convident about the DJDan thing...but I just got that feel after reviewing the transcripts on my blog.
But the biggest thing I have to tackle to make that theory more real would be to get WHY would someone (and who) would do it.
I dont think I am gonna get into why I am at this conclusion tonight but in the morning I will post something about it on my blog.
6/15/2006 02:47:26 AM
M2Saint-TheTruthTempest said...
lol. I was just running with the theme. I understood how you meant the DJDan stuff to be an in-game hoax. heh. I just like the connection between owelles and the Lost Argh!.
Speaking of which, I prostrated a theory a while back about both DJDan and Persephone, though mainly DJDan.
I wondered if it was all 1984 syndrome. The evil makes its own enemy so that it can control both its own followers and the followers of their "enemy". Thus, they control the minds of both sides and can end an enemy for a new one at any time.
I think that DJDan and perhaps even Persephone, are fabrications of the group behind the Hanso Foundation. We'll just call them... the Hanso Group. With so much talk of dark dealings and every person on the board of directors being the leader of endless numbers of things, from newspapers to rights corporations, it makes sense that maybe it is a formulated fight.
When one senses a rise of dissidence, should you crush the threat? To most traditional villains, yes, but under the 1984 "absolute control" mentality, one matches rising dissidence with providing a hero of the cause that you can control. Then, you have the prominent voice of both sides. Not one person is left without your influence.
DJDan as a character is a hoax, a fraud, but a fraud given life by the Hanso Group. Maybe even Persephone is just a diversion and a false leader to draw attention away from the true people behind it all. Maybe we haven't seen the faces of any of the top brass of the HF because they don't exist. The Hanso Foundation is a cover for the true group beneath the surface. The Hanso Group behind the worldwide DHARMA project.
Alvar Hanso, a saint and charitable soul of his time. Died but kept alive in the news to keep the Hanso Foundation visage alive. One day people will shut down the Hanso Foundation, only to find a coffin at its top and a backdoor in the shadows.
-The Truth Tempest
Played by Tom Cruise in the remake of "The LOST Experience"
6/15/2006 03:06:50 AM
Lavenda said...
why would someone create a hoax/conspiracy masquerading as a hoax? By having a crack-pot conspiracy theorist spouting all this stuff out it opens the ideas up to ridicule and less people are likely to believe it as being true... it discredits the truth opening the way for Hanso to project their false holier than thou image
6/15/2006 03:26:25 AM
M2Saint-TheTruthTempest said...
Exactly, lavenda.
Haven't you noticed a trend with DJ Dan lately? He has continued to have more and more absurd things to say.
Mind control? Nano technology?
He is known for saying he is fighting against "The Man". That phrase has for years been a stereotype of naive hippies. A phrase ridiculed for its generalization and indescrimenant attack.
Even -he- is a corporate whore now.
All of this adds up to making him indeed seem preposterous and people's theories against the Hanso Foundation to sound like, well, conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theorists? What a loaded term. To call anything a "conspiracy" in this day and time is to actually discredit it some. It makes it seem nutty.
JFK was shot with a magic bullet sponsored by the Russians.
The Hanso Foundation is secretly genetically altering creatures and doing scary secret experiments on super children in African countries.
The moon landing was all staged by the government.
The Hanso Foundation has a huge tower of mind control and a lost island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
They all sound rather preposterous to me.
But we know better?
Maybe we don't.
It is -completely- 1984 syndrome.
Mind control? No secret electromagnetic signals for that. Look simply to media. The media of Hanso and the media of DJDan. Maybe even Persephone. Mind control of the willing and eager.
"Oceania has no capital, and its titular head is a person whose whereabouts nobody knows." - George Orwell, 1984, Book 1, Chapter 9
“The broad mass of the nation ... will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one.”
— Adolf Hitler, in his 1925 book Mein Kampf
-The Truth Tempest
Alvar Hanso is Big Brother
6/15/2006 03:49:31 AM
M2Saint-TheTruthTempest said...
Now, the next thing I have been considering for quite some time.
Not only the big players are placements. So, too, are a few of our rather able friends here. Some of these faceless avatars are LOST ARG members themselves.
Now, for me to say who... where would the fun be in that?
Regardless, there -are- plants in our community. For even with a leader, there needs to be that one person in the crowd to start clapping first.
Who is that person?
I'm not going to say it is the rather cunning JustWillow. To say that would be unfounded for certain.
We were all rather close to getting the last clue anyway, remember?
Though, I gave up after
"gain a light sequence".
And low and behold.
Who. That is for you to find out.
-The Truth Tempest
6/15/2006 05:10:59 AM
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